dailygiftsyosuke’s blog

Posted a lot of information around the world and Japanese lesson


Indonesia's plan to relocate its capital from Jakarta

https://images.arcadis.com/media/F/0/2/%7BF027BDFE-5B8D-438E-B34C-B6DD883764AF%7DIndonesia.jpg?width=1920&height=0&mode=crop&anchor=top Indonesia plans to move its capital city from Jakarta, according to the country's planning minister. イ…

Japan's peaceful Heisei Era leaves legacy of change, growth and tragedy

http://blogs.c.yimg.jp/res/blog-ef-34/meiniacc/folder/1045610/17/43024917/img_2?1352926011 Emperor Akihito’s abdication Tuesday will end the three-decade Heisei Era that began on Jan. 8, 1989, a day after he inherited the throne upon the d…

Indonesia has highest video call users in world

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/QLgXp8JfMAwA_nh1RTJpRubUICE=/0x0:800x600/1200x800/filters:focal(336x236:464x364)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/58934887/google_duo_logo_icon.0.png Indonesian users of Google Duo, a video chat ap…

What is Golden Week in Japan in 2019?

https://serve.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs2301/f/image/LOGO%20gw%20hammer.png Have you heard about the Golden week before? The Golden Week is a collection of four national holidays within seven days. In combination with well placed weekend…

Every day Japanese ⑩ How to learn Japanese

Nowadays, many learners ask me "how should I learn Japanese firstly?". Thank you for your question. I can understand their feelings. I started learning English by myself (no lessons) about 3 years ago. At first, I did not know what materia…

Plastic scraps’ destination....what next

A pile of plastic that cannot be recycled has accumulated in a Malaysian town (From CNN) Dozens of laborers and factory operators sit hand-cuffed in rows on the pavement at an industrial park in Malaysia. マレーシアの工業団地にある舗装道路…

Everyday Japanese ⑨

Everyday Japanese ⑨ (how to use which “dochira” どちら ドチラ) Which is better? Dochira(which) ga(particle) yoi(better) desu ka? どちらがよいですか? Which is the best? Dochira(which) ga mottomo(=ichiban) yoi (best) desu ka? どちらがもっ…

Japanese convenience store will be more flexible

Many people from different countries read this blog. So our culture and habits are not sometimes different from Japan. Before writing today's Japanese news, I would like to ask a question to readers. Does your country have convenience stor…

Prince William's bond with New Zealand

Prince William is greeted with a traditional Maori greeting by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Thursday The Duke of Cambridge was greeted by New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern with a Maori nose press, or hongi, as he was welcomed i…

SAKURA finally bloom in Hokkaido?

Many friends ask me, when does sakura(cherry blossom) in Hokkaido bloom? To be honest, I am not sure about it because it depends on the year. Also, I am about to forget Hokkaido’s sakura because I have not seen sakura Hokkaido since 2014. …

Everyday Japanese ⑧

Everyday Japanese ⑧ Everyday only 15min lesson (how to use what “nani” “なに” “ナニ”) * What V + S? → S wa nani(what) wo V? (*wa, wo is particles) What is this? → Kore(this) wa nani(what)? (これはなに?) What is that? → Are(that) wa nani?…

Japan university stops hiring smoking professors

https://www.asiaone.com/asia/stubbed-out-japan-university-stops-hiring-smoking-professors A Japanese university has stopped hiring professors and teachers who light up, officials said Tuesday, as the nation steps up an anti-smoking campaig…

Everyday Japanese ⑦

Everyday Japanese ⑦ (how to use where doko どこ ドコ) Where is this? Koko wa(this) doko(where) desu(is) ka?(?) ここはどこですか。 ココハドコデスカ。 Where are you from?(Where did you come from) Anata wa(you) doko(where) kara(from) kimasita…

Eating "Breakfast" is good or bad for health?

http://www.roomie.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/131215cookbook07.jpg Whether you eat breakfast might be linked with your risk of dying early from cardiovascular disease, according to a new study. 新たな研究によると、朝食を食べているかどう…

Starbucks big rival in China

// https://fortunedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2018/04/starbucks-apologizes-arrest.jpg http://www.luckincoffee.com/ Starbucks big rival in China just announced plans to go public in the United States. 中国におけるスターバックスの大きなライバ…

Everyday Japanese ⑥

Everyday Japanese ⑥ (how to use “Who” Dare だれ ダレ) Who are you? Anata wa(you) dare(who) desuka?(are ?) あなたはだれですか。 アナタハダレデスカ。 Who are they? Karera wa(they) dare(who) desuka? かれらはだれですか。 カレラハダレデスカ。 W…

Everyday Japanese ⑤

Everyday Japanese ⑤ (Words and Example no.1) ・I watashi わたし ワタシ e.g. I am happy. Watashi wa shiawase(happy) desu. わたしはしあわせです。 ・We watashitachi わたしたち ワタシタチ e.g. We are musicians. Watashitachi wa musicians desu. …

Comedian Zelensky wins presidency in Ukrain election

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48007487 Ukrainian comedian Volodymyr Zelensky has won a landslide victory in the country's presidential election, exit polls suggest. ウクライナのコメディアンのVolody Zelenskyが国内の大統領選挙投票予…

Everyday Japanese ④

Everyday Japanese ④ (Greetings Aisatsu あいさつ アイサツ) Good morning Ohayou gozaimasu おはようございます オハヨウゴザイマス Hello/Good afternoon Konnichiwa こんにちは コンニチハ Good evening Konbanwa こんばんは コンバンハ Good night Oy…

LGBT in Japan

http://jto.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/fd20120325pba.jpg Today's topic is about LGBT in Japan because of thr request. 本日はリクエストのあった、日本のLGBTについてです。 Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) rights in J…

Everyday Japanese ④

Everyday Japanese ④ (Introduction 自己紹介jikoshoukai じこしょうかい ジコショウカイ) 1.My name is A. watashi no (my) namae wa (name) A desu (is). わたしのなまえはAです。 ワタシノナマエハAデス。 I am (number) years old. watashi wa (I) (su-…

World's smallest baby boy in Japan

This handout picture taken on October 9, 2018 and released by Nagano Children's hospital on April 19, 2019 shows Ryusuke Sekiya being treated at Nagano Children's hospital in Azumino. The world's smallest baby boy, who was born in October …

Questionaire about your country ① (Sudan)

Questionare about your country Where is your country and living city? A. Sudan(North Africa) / AL Khatoum What do you do? (student? major? / worker? position?) A. fourth year medical student What is your country’s interested news lately? A…

Everyday Japanese ③

Everyday Japanese ③ (Number 数字 すうじ スウジ su-ji) 1(ichi) いち イチ 2 (ni) に ニ 3(san) さん サン 4(si, yon) し シ 5(go) ご ゴ 6(roku) ろく ロク 7(siti, sichi) しち シチ 8(hiti,hachi) はち ハチ 9(kyuu,ku) きゅう キュウ 10(jyuu,tou) じ…

Top 5 recommend Japanese food

From today, I would like to write about Japan frequently. That is because some readers requested me to write more about Japan. Thank you very much for your request. Below is personal opinion so please criticise them, 今日から頻繁に日本につ…

Everyday Japanese ②

Everyday Japanese ② (Japanese alphabet Katakana かたかな カタカナ 片仮名) A I U E O ア イ ウ エ オ KA KI KU KE KO カ キ ク ケ コ SA SI(SHI) SU SE SO サ シ ス セ ソ TA TI(CHI) TU TE TO タ チ ツ テ ト NA NI NU NE NO ナ 二 ヌ ネ ノ HA HI HU H…

Foreigners leaving in Singapore will no longer have their passports stamped

View of a Singapore immigration departure stamp on the page of a Malaysian passport. (Photo: Jeremy Long) Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/foreigners-leaving-singapore-do-not-need-passports-stamped-11452944 From …

Everyday Japanese①

Everyday Japanese ① (Japanese alphabet Hiragana ひらがな 平仮名) A I U E O あ い う え お KA KI KU KE KO か き く け こ SA SI(SHI) SU SE SO さ し す せ そ TA TI(CHI) TU TE TO た ち つ て と NA NI NU NE NO な に ぬ ね の HA HI HU HE HO は …

The world best airport of Singapore finally renewed

Jewel Changi Airport (https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/jewel-changi-airport-singapore-guide/index.html) Following four years of construction and nonstop media coverage, Singapore's long-awaited Jewel Changi Airport is officially open…

I will conduct questionaire to foreign people!!

From next time, I would like to conduct a questionaire to foreign individuals. This purpose is to practise fieldwork and research on master's program, and broaden my view of the world. 次回から外国人の方々向けにアンケートを実施していこうと…