dailygiftsyosuke’s blog

Posted a lot of information around the world and Japanese lesson

Every day Japanese ⑩ How to learn Japanese

Nowadays, many learners ask me "how should I learn Japanese firstly?".

Thank you for your question. I can understand their feelings. I started learning English by myself (no lessons) about 3 years ago. At first, I did not know what materials and textbook I may use.


Today, I would like to share some points and procedures about learning Japanese for beginners.






1. Have interests and motivation why you want to learn Japanese (Manga, anime, food, culture, idol, history etc...)

Japanese is a little bit difficult. You need to have a strong motivation. You may search about Japan and read articles, anime, manga and book about Japan in your languages. Anything is fine. Firstly, you need to know about Japan. 


Do you know JLPT? It is one of the official Japanese language test. If you want, you can buy textbook and then study. Many of my friends have studied this.

JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test

If I get free materials, I will share on this blog.







2. Remember Japanese alphabets(Hiragana and Katakana)

Japanese is used mainly three alphabets; hiragana, katakana and kanji.

Firstly, you need to remember hiragana and katakana( also called fifty tones).

Everyday please write down them on the paper 3 times. (Japanese people did so.)


*Useful materials 

ひらがな・カタカナ書き順一覧表(GIF動画) | 百人一首で始める古文書講座【歌舞伎好きが変体仮名を解読する】


You can check how to write on GIF!





3. Remember simple words and sentences

 At first, when you read and write Japanese, using English is okay. 

Everyday, please write, read and listen per 10 words.

I will share some basic Japanese learners should remember.

*Useful materials

Learn Japanese - Japanese Words and Basics






4. Watch anime and movie in Japanese with your language's subtitle

Maybe you will feel tired on the process of 3. So while studying the material, please watch them! It will be good listening and reading practises. I am sorry I do not watch anime at all so please search them by yourself hahaha

Doraemon and Sinchan are my favourite to study.






5. Remember Kanji

If you have any word book, please use it. JLPT book is also fine. Btw, all Japanese remember them on textbook.


*Useful materials


 For Japanese elementary school students 




*If you do not know how to use this website, please comment me on this website or personally.

I can explain messages or video chat.







6.Remember grammar

Grammar is the most difficult part. So please study with the processes of 1~5.


*Useful materials









7. Speaking and listening lesson

Let's speak and listen on video chat. (appear. in or skype)

When I have free time, I can do it on free. (~25min per day)

Please inform me if you want.

Massages and comments are okay.

You can choose daily conversation or situation talk!




Maybe my Japanese lessons will not need anymore haha

Instead I would like to ask learner's questions and useful information.


If you have any question and opinion, please inform me!

Everyone can write comments.