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Everyday Japanese (Grammar)

Everyday Japanese ㊿

Everyday Japanese ㊿ (Compound Particle Counterparts to the Particle にたいして) にたいして: Targets of Non-physical Actions, Emotions, and Attitudes e.g., あなたは 親に対して 冷たいです。(Anata wa oya ani taishite tsumetai desu.) (Topic/S…

Everyday Japanese ㊽

Everyday Japanese ㊽ (Particles: parallel markers とか) This can roughly be translated as “things like A and B.” The concept is similar to や, which leaves something unlisted. However, や is more formal than とか. e.g., (わたしは)すしとか…

Everyday Japanese ㊼

Everyday Japanese ㊼ (Particles: parallel markers か) Parallel Marker か: A or B e.g. わたしは日本語(にほんご)か英語(えいご)をべんきょうします。 Watashi wa nihongo ka eigo wo benkyou shimasu. I study Japanese or English. * The function is …

Everyday Japanese ㊻

Everyday Japanese ㊻ (Particles: parallel markers と&や) Parallel Marker と: A and B e.g., わたしはリンゴとバナナをたべます。(Watashi wa ringo to banana wo tabemasu.) I eat an apple and an banana. ひらがなとカタカナはかんたんです。(Hiragan…

Everyday Japanese ㉜

Everyday Japanese ㉜ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) Sending Ending Particle よ(yo) Unlike the above uses, at no time will you have to use the sentence ending particle よ. On the other hand, Japanese people customarily add this in some sit…

Everyday Japanese ㉛

Everyday Japanese ㉛ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) Sentense Ending Particles ね(ne) part2 When You Seek the Listeners’ Confirmation The second function is to seek the listeners’ confirmation. This is used when you’re not sure about infor…

Everyday Japanese ㉚

Everyday Japanese ㉚ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) Sentense Ending Particles ね(ne)・・・ There are two cases: whether you must use the sentence ending particleね or not. Thus, we will explain each function with the labels [Must] and [Op…

Everyday Japanese ㉙

Everyday Japanese ㉙ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) を(wo)・・・を is pronounced as お(wo) and placed after objects. In Japanese, the sentence order should be like this: Topic + Subject + Object + Verb. Although omissions may cause confus…

Everyday Japanese ㉘

Everyday Japanese ㉘ (Expression ひょうげん hyougen) Expressing State-of-Being e.g., 私はたろう(だ・です)。 Watashi wa Taro desu. I am Taro. 彼は学生(だ・です)。 Kare wa gakusei desu. He is a student. In Japanese, sentences without subjec…

Everyday Japanese ㉗

Everyday Japanese ㉗ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) と(to):Partner of Interaction, Object of Similarity / Difference e.g., 彼女(かのじょ)と結婚(けっこん)する (I will) get married to (my) girlfriend. 父(ちち)と似(に)ている (I) resemble my…

Everyday Japanese ㉖

Everyday Japanese ㉖ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) へ(e)・・・ Direction of Motion, Destination e.g., 南(みなみ)へ向(む)かう I will head to the south. アメリカへ行(い)く I will go to the US. で(de)・・・ Location of Action, Material, Mea…

Everyday Japanese ㉕

Everyday Japanese ㉕ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) を(wo)・・・ Direct Object, Location to Leave, Location to Pass, Direction of Action e.g., ケーキを食(た)べる I will eat cake. 家(いえ)を出(で)る I will leave my house. 橋(はし)を渡(わた…

Everyday Japanese ㉔

Everyday Japanese ㉔ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) は(wa) ・・・topic, contrast e.g., 明日(あした)は雨(あめ)だ As for tomorrow, it will rain. 日(に)本(ほん)は雨(あめ)じゃない As for Japan, it will not rain. が(ga)・・・Subject of Predica…