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Everyday Japanese ㉛

              Everyday Japanese

                                            (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞)

                                               Sentense Ending Particles

                                                          ね(ne) part2



  1. When You Seek the Listeners’ Confirmation


The second function is to seek the listeners’ confirmation. This is used when you’re not sure about information or knowledge you have. Here, ね can be roughly translated as “right?” in English. When you respond to the above examples, you don’t have to add ね.


e.g.,  明日(あした)は締(し)め切(き)り(だ / です)。 Tomorrow is the deadline, right?




  1. When You Express Something after Consideration


This usage appears when Japanese people think about something for some time or try to recall something. However, this doesn’t have a particular meaning. By using this, you can express your speech as native speakers do.


e.g., えーと、締(し)め切(き)りは20日(はつか)(だ / です)

Let me see. The deadline is on the 20th.




  1. When You Express Your Denial


The fourth function is to emphasize the speakers’ denial. This is mainly used when you respond to something. Be careful. This expression is a little strong and is rarely heard in practice, except in manga, drama, movie, etc.


e.g., いいえ、美味(おい)しくない(です)。No, [it] is not delicious.



  1. As a Filler Word


Some people have a habit to put ね after particles. However, this doesn’t have a particular meaning. You can consider this as a filler word.


e.g., 明日(あした)が、楽(たの)しみ(だ / です)。 Tomorrow is the one that [I] look forward to.



                                        “Slow and steady wins the race ”



                                        Doryoku ni masaru tensai nashi



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