Everyday Japanese ㉛
Everyday Japanese ㉛
(Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞)
Sentense Ending Particles
ね(ne) part2
- When You Seek the Listeners’ Confirmation
The second function is to seek the listeners’ confirmation. This is used when you’re not sure about information or knowledge you have. Here, ね can be roughly translated as “right?” in English. When you respond to the above examples, you don’t have to add ね.
e.g., 明日(あした)は締(し)め切(き)り(だ / です)ね。 Tomorrow is the deadline, right?
- When You Express Something after Consideration
This usage appears when Japanese people think about something for some time or try to recall something. However, this doesn’t have a particular meaning. By using this, you can express your speech as native speakers do.
e.g., えーと、締(し)め切(き)りは20日(はつか)(だ / です)ね。
Let me see. The deadline is on the 20th.
- When You Express Your Denial
The fourth function is to emphasize the speakers’ denial. This is mainly used when you respond to something. Be careful. This expression is a little strong and is rarely heard in practice, except in manga, drama, movie, etc.
e.g., いいえ、美味(おい)しくない(です)ね。No, [it] is not delicious.
- As a Filler Word
Some people have a habit to put ね after particles. However, this doesn’t have a particular meaning. You can consider this as a filler word.
e.g., 明日(あした)がね、楽(たの)しみ(だ / です)。 Tomorrow is the one that [I] look forward to.
“Slow and steady wins the race ”
Doryoku ni masaru tensai nashi
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