dailygiftsyosuke’s blog

Posted a lot of information around the world and Japanese lesson


Everyday Japanese ㉔

Everyday Japanese ㉔ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) は(wa) ・・・topic, contrast e.g., 明日(あした)は雨(あめ)だ As for tomorrow, it will rain. 日(に)本(ほん)は雨(あめ)じゃない As for Japan, it will not rain. が(ga)・・・Subject of Predica…

Drinking too much fruit juice leads to death risk

49 grams of sugar contained 28 grams of sugar Many sugar-sweetened beverages have little to no nutritional value and lots of calories, and their harmful health effects have been well-documented. Now, a study links drinking too many sugary …