dailygiftsyosuke’s blog

Posted a lot of information around the world and Japanese lesson

Everyday Japanese ㉖

                                                  Everyday Japanese

                                            (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞)


  1. へ(e)・・・ Direction of Motion, Destination

  e.g., 南(みなみ)向(む)かう   I will head to the south.

          アメリ行(い)く   I will go to the US.


  1. で(de)・・・ Location of Action, Material, Means, Reason(Causation)

                               Range (Period of Time), Amount, State


  e.g., 家(いえ)寝(ね)る  I will sleep in [my] house.

     木(き)椅子(いす)を作(つく)る I will make a chair by [using] wood.

     タクシー行(い)く I will go by taxi.

          病(びょう)気(き)眠(ねむ)い I am sleepy due to sickness.

          一(いち)時(じ)間(かん)宿(しゅく)題(だい)をする I will do my homework within                                                                                                                  an hour.

         一人(ひとり)働(はたら)く I will work alone.

         裸足(はだし)歩(ある)く。 I will walk with bare feet.


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doryoku ni masaru tensainashi

“Slow and steady wins the race ”


