dailygiftsyosuke’s blog

Posted a lot of information around the world and Japanese lesson


Everyday Japanese ㉕

Everyday Japanese ㉕ (Particles じょし jyoshi 助詞) を(wo)・・・ Direct Object, Location to Leave, Location to Pass, Direction of Action e.g., ケーキを食(た)べる I will eat cake. 家(いえ)を出(で)る I will leave my house. 橋(はし)を渡(わた…

Pigeons face deadly odds in the Phillipines

https://www.africanews.com/2019/05/17/pigeons-face-deadly-odds-in-the-phillipines/ The longest homing pigeon race is a tense affair for Phillipines sizable flock of fans. 世界最長のハト帰還レースは多くのファンにとって緊張が走る出来事である…