dailygiftsyosuke’s blog

Posted a lot of information around the world and Japanese lesson


Japan's peaceful Heisei Era leaves legacy of change, growth and tragedy

http://blogs.c.yimg.jp/res/blog-ef-34/meiniacc/folder/1045610/17/43024917/img_2?1352926011 Emperor Akihito’s abdication Tuesday will end the three-decade Heisei Era that began on Jan. 8, 1989, a day after he inherited the throne upon the d…

Indonesia has highest video call users in world

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/QLgXp8JfMAwA_nh1RTJpRubUICE=/0x0:800x600/1200x800/filters:focal(336x236:464x364)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/58934887/google_duo_logo_icon.0.png Indonesian users of Google Duo, a video chat ap…