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Suicides in Singapore up 10% last year, record high among boys


(Photo: Pixabay/Daniel Reche)


SINGAPORE: The number of suicides in Singapore rose 10 per cent last year, with suicides among boys aged 10 to 19 at a record high, the Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) said on Monday (Jul 29).




There were 397 reported suicides in 2018, compared with 361 the year before. This raised the suicide rate to 8.36 deaths per 100,000 Singapore residents, up from 7.74 in 2017.


All age groups, except those aged 60 years and above, recorded an increase in the number of suicides, said the suicide prevention agency.




Suicide mortality among youths and males is a "significant societal concern", SOS said, highlighting that for every 10 suicides in 2018, at least seven were by men. 




A total of 94 people aged between 10 and 29 killed themselves last year, SOS said.




Among boys aged between 10 and 19 years old, there were 19 suicides last year – the highest since records began in 1991 and more than double the seven cases recorded in 2017.



"It is disconcerting to know that many of our young feel unsupported through their darkest periods and see suicide as the only choice to end their pain and struggles," said SOS senior assistant director Wong Lai Chun.

「私たちの若い人たちの多くが、彼らの最も暗い時期には支えられないと感じ、自殺を彼らの苦痛と闘争を終わらせる唯一の選択肢として見ていることを知っているのは気が遠くなった。」とSOSのシニアアシスタントディレクターのWong Lai Chunは述べた。



But she noted that young people are now more willing to reach out for help.




Among those who wrote to SOS for emotional support, more than 78 per cent were between 10 and 29 years old. This was an increase of more than 56 per cent in its last fiscal year ending March, said SOS. 




“Youths today seem to have greater awareness of the moments when they feel alone and helpless. They are more willing to reach out and explore available support avenues like our support services, social media and their peers," Ms Wong said.

「若年者が孤独かつ助けがないと感じたとき、今日彼らはその瞬間の意識を持つようにみえるそうです。彼らはサポートサービスや、ソーシャルメディア、そして同僚のように、彼らはより手を差し伸べて利用可能な支援手段を探求しても構わないと思っている。」とMs Wongは述べた。



“We live in a society that stresses the importance of masculine qualities as a measure of success. As a result, we grow impatient toward behaviours that seem to depict weakness,” Ms Wong said. 




“Men are stereotypically expected to be tough, stoic, and financially stable. The slightest hint of vulnerability can be seen as an imperfection.




“This has to change. Men and women alike need to know that it is okay to be less than perfect and we need to educate the public to understand that a supportive and encouraging environment is far more beneficial than a judgemental one for our society,” she added.




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