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Komodo Island to be closed in 2020


Young Komodo dragon walking in the wild on Komodo Island. (Shutterstock/Kjersti Joergensen)



East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Tourism Agency head Wayan Darmawa announced on Thursday that Komodo Island is to close by the beginning of 2020.

NTT観光エージェンシーの代表である、 Wayan Darmawa氏は2020年の初めまでにコモド島を閉鎖することを発表した。


“It is definite; we have decided to close Komodo Island next year,” Wayan said, as reported by Antara news agency.

Antara news agencyが伝えるところによると、「我々が来年コモド島を閉鎖すると決めました。それは絶対です。」とWayan氏は述べた。



The closure is intended for the environmental rehabilitation of the island and to improve the conservation efforts for the Komodo dragons .




Wayan said the decision was made by the NTT administration and the Environment and Forestry Ministry on Wednesday, adding that President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has agreed to the matter.




On his visit to Labuan Bajo on July 10 and 11, Jokowi said there should be a visitor limit on the island considering it was a conservation area. He suggested nearby Rinca Island as an alternative for visitors wishing to see Komodo dragons. The island is also a natural habitat of the dragon and is included in the Komodo National Park.

7月10,11日の Labuan Bajoへの彼の滞在において、Jokowi氏は保護エリアであったと考えられている島への訪問客の制限を行うべきだと述べた。彼はコモドドラゴンを見ることを望んでいる訪問客の選択地としてのRinca島付近を意図していた。その島はまた、ドラゴンの従来の生息地であり、コモド国立公園を含んでいる。



NTT Governor Viktor B Laiskodat said the administration would provide a budget of Rp 100 billion (US$7.17 million) for the island's rehabilitation.

 NTT総裁のViktor B Laiskodatは、政府が島の復興のために1000億ルピアの予算を提供すると発表した。


The protesters objected to the plan to remove residents from the island, as proposed by the governor.



“We have long been involved in the conservation-based tourism. The island's closure will deprive us of our source of income," said Ihsan said as quoted by kompas.com.

「私たちは長い間、保全に基づく観光に関わってきました。 島の閉鎖は私たちの収入源から私たちを奪うでしょう」とIhsanはkompas.comによって引用されたように述べた。



Ihsan added that the residents have relinquished their lands to the Komodo National Park and switched professions to the tourism sector.





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