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Jakarta university offers special entrance scheme for YouTubers with 10k subscribers


“We think YouTube is a great media to convey positive messages effectively to society." (Shutterstock/Alexey Boldin)



The post has gained more than 26,000 likes as of Friday evening.




UPNVJ rector Erna Hernawati confirmed that the university had added YouTubers to its jalur prestasi program this year.

UPNVJの学長のErna Hernawatiは、大学は今年Jalur prestasiプログラムに、ユーチューバーを追加することを確認した。



“We think YouTube is a great media to convey positive messages effectively to society,” Erna told The Jakarta Post on Friday. “We want those accepted in the university to convey positive messages and influence society for the better.”

Youtubeは社会に効果的に有益な情報を伝える素晴らしいメディアであると、我々は考えている。」と、金曜日にJakarta Postにて述べた。「我々は大学に関する有益な情報と、社会的に良い影響を与える人物が欲しい。」とも付け加えた。



However, Erna said that YouTubers who want to apply through the special admissions scheme would be screened by a committee to ensure their channels only publish positive content.




“We will not accept those uploading provocative content. We will also test the applicants’ skills by requiring them to make a two-to three-minute video on campus. So, if you have 10,000 subscribers, you are not automatically admitted,” she said.




A similar test will be given to hafiz and athletes applying for the scheme, she said.




Those who pass would then have to take a computer-based written test (UTBK) to measure their academic knowledge. 




“So, admission is based on a combination of their skills and the UTBK,” Erna said. 




The special admission scheme, which is open for registration from July 12 to 21 at the UPNVJ’s official website, only applies to five of the universities departments.





“The scheme does not apply to the medical and pharmaceutical department,” she said. 




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