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A smartphone app helped China to oppress Uighur



A feared smartphone app being used by Chinese police to surveil the Uighur ethnic minority has been reverse-engineered by a human rights group, revealing that even turning your own phone off can trigger suspicion.



A feared smartphone app being used by Chinese police to surveil the Uighur ethnic minority has been reverse-engineered by a human rights group, revealing that even turning your own phone off can trigger suspicion.







When The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age travelled to China's western region of Xinjiang in late 2018, residents there said Muslim Uighurs regularly had their phones inspected by police.  If "suspicious" content was found, they were sent to re-education centres, where hundreds of thousands of Muslims are believed to be detained.

The Sydney Morning HeraldThe age2018年後半に西部ウイグル地域を旅行していた際、ムスリムウイグル人は通常警察により携帯を検査されている。もし、「疑惑」の内容が見つかれば、彼らは再教育センターに送られ、100人、1000人のムスリムが拘留されるのだ。


Human Rights Watch contracted a German security company to assess the app that police are using on their phones when they question Uighurs on the street, at home, or apply to travel abroad.

Human Rights Watchは路上や家、海外旅行の申請中にウイグル人にこの質問をしたときに、警察が使ったアプリを評価したドイツの警備会社と契約した。


The information gathered is then pulled into a central system used to profile residents.



The app requires police officers to enter data including a person's blood type, height and any travel. It flags 36 "person types" who are suspicious, including someone who doesn't socialise with neighbours, collects money for mosques with enthusiasm, or has returned from abroad. 



A person who "used smartphones in the past but has stopped altogether, or using only analog phones" is another suspicious type.



When a person's phone or ID card goes "off-grid" police are instructed by the app to investigate.



Uighurs who are detected to be outside their registered home town are also investigated.



Even being related to a person whose whereabouts is unclear, or related to a person who left China three days ago, is flagged as "problematic" by the app and requires investigation.



Report author Maya Wang said: "China's repressive rule has become a dystopian nightmare for Xinjiang's Muslims."

レポーターであり、著者のMaya Wangは、「中国の弾圧的なルールは、ウイグルムスリムにとって、地獄のような悪夢となっている。」と語った。


A Chinese government white paper in March said 13,000 terrorists had been arrested in Xinjiang since 2014, when a market in Urumqi was bombed.










