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More than 270 F&B outlets to stop providing plastic straws by July 1st





File photo of straws. (Photo: Reuters)


More than 270 food and beverage (F&B) outlets in Singapore will phase out plastic straws by Jul 1, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) announced on Monday (Jun 3).



Participating F&B outlets will be removing straws completely from their premises, providing them only on request or for specific medical reasons, WWF said in a media release.



This includes 53 F&B outlets owned by Accor Group, which operates hotels like Raffles, Swissotel and Fairmont, 24 Pastamania outlets, dozens of outlets operated by Wildlife Reserves Singapore and 15 eateries under the Spa Espirit Group including Tiong Bahru Bakery and 40 Hands.

Raffeles, Swissotel,Fairmontのようなホテルや、24 Pastamania アウトレット、Tiong Bahru Bakeryや40 Handsを含む、the Spa Espirit GroupのもとでのWildlife Reserves Singaporeと15のご飯処からなる、数十のアウトレットをこれは含んでいる。


"This is the largest industry commitment so far that addresses the excessive use of plastic disposables in Singapore," said Ms Lotika Mehta, campaigns manager of WWF-Singapore.

これは、今まで、シンガポールが過度のプラスチック使用による処理の起点であり、最大の産業への献身をしているからであると、WWFシンガポールのキャンペーンマネージャーのLotika Mehta氏は述べた。


The move is part of the PACT (Plastic ACTion) initiative by WWF, which is supported by the National Environment Agency and Zero Waste SG.

WWFによるPACTの開始の一部は、National Environment Agency and Zero Waste SGによってサポートされている。


An estimated 2.2 million straws are consumed per day by Singaporeans, according to a 2018 report by AlphaBeta, The Final Straw and the Cyan Project.

AlphabetaのThe Final Straw and the Cyan Projectによる2018年のレポートによると、シンガポール人によって一日に消費されているストローは、220万本と見積もられている。


Singapore consumes about 1.76 billion plastic items each year, according to Singapore Environment Council’s position paper published in 2018. This includes 820 million plastic bags from supermarkets, 467 million PET bottles and 473 million plastic disposable items.




Several companies announced plans to eliminate plastic straws last year, including KFC, Starbucks, Burger King and Resorts World Sentosa.

PACT was launched by WWF in 2019 with the aim of “No Plastics in Nature” by 2030. Participating businesses pledge to remove unnecessary plastics while reviewing product design or switching to sustainable alternatives.

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