Facebook with new "Dating" feature
Malaysians, you can swipe left for Tinder … because you can now swipe right on Facebook to find romance!
The social network app's new Facebook Dating feature has been expanded to include Malaysia in its latest app update, Facebook announced Wednesday (May 1).
新たなソーシャルネットワークアプリである、Facebook Dating featureが最近のアプリのアップデートにより、マレーシアの広がっていると、Facebookは水曜日に公示した。
Malaysia will be one of the 14 other countries that will have this feature including Singapore, Vietnam, The Philippines, Laos, Brazil, Peru, and Chile.
The feature can be found in Facebook's latest update for its mobile apps and those who want access have to enable it within its settings.
App head Fidji Simo said that with the Facebook Dating feature, it is possible to find a partner if there are common interests and shared groups, for example.
例えば、もし単純に興味があったら、シェアグループがあれば、Facebookのデート機能を用い、パートナーを見つけることが可能であるアプリの代表である、Fidji Simo氏は述べた。
"With all the changes we are making to Facebook communities, you'll come to Facebook not just to connect with people you already know, but also to find people you might want to know – maybe even 'the one'," she said.
Simo also assured that the Facebook Dating feature is "safe, opt-in and inclusive".
Simo氏はまた、Facebook datingの機能は、「安全、オプトイン、包括的」であると予想している。
"Your dating profile is separate from your main (Facebook) profile," she told the audience this during the F8 annual conference in the McEnery Convention Centre in San Jose, California on Tuesday (April 30).
「あなたの交際プロフィールはメインのFacebookプロフィールとは分けられる。」と、火曜日にカリフォルニアのサンホセにある、McEnery Convention CentreでのF8の年一回の会議の間、彼女は聴衆に向けて述べた。
She also said they had received great feedback from countries which have the feature such as Colombia, Thailand, Canada, Argentina, and Mexico.
In the conference, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also talked about they were changing the app's design to be simpler, faster, and more immersive.
He also spoke about building a more privacy-focused social platform, which gives people spaces where they can express themselves freely and feel connected to the people and communities that matter most.
The Facebook Dating feature has another sub-feature called 'Secret Crush' – which allows the user an opportunity to explore "potential romantic relationships within their own extended circle of friends".
Facebookの出会い系機能には、"Secret Crush"と呼ばれる、補足機能があり、ユーザーは自分自身が広げた友達の輪から「潜在的な恋愛の可能性」を広げる機会を可能にするであろう。
If you choose to use Secret Crush, you can select up to nine Facebook friends whom you would consider dating.
もしあなたがSecret Crushを選択したならば、あなたがデートを考えている9人のFacebookユーザーを選び出すことができる。
"If your crush has opted into Facebook Dating, they will get a notification saying that someone has a crush on them," it said, adding that your list of secret crushes is private.
「もしあなたのクラッシュがFacebook Datingを選択した場合、彼らは誰かがクラッシュをしたという通知が来るであろう。」と述べた。あなたのクラッシュリストは非公開です。
"If your crush adds you to their Secret Crush list, it's a match!"