dailygiftsyosuke’s blog

Posted a lot of information around the world and Japanese lesson


Everyday Japanese ㊴

Everyday Japanese ㊴ (Practise N4) 文法問題 ぶんぽうもんだい (Grammar question) もんだい ( )に何(なに)を入(い)れますか。1・2・3・4から いちばん いいものを 一つ えらんで ください。 ①A「あれ、何(なに)か いい におい( )ね。」 B「そうですね…

Good news for Malaysia’s durian growers as China approves import of frozen whole fruits

File photo of durian fruits. (Photo: AFP) Malaysia will now be able to export frozen whole durians to China, a move that is likely to be welcomed by growers just before the peak of the fruiting season. マレーシアは現在、中国全体に冷凍ドリ…